Monday, June 8, 2009

Family Photos For June

June was the month for family photos. Ronnie has been out on his Mini-Mission with our church for about 8 weeks now. He is coming home at the end of June. We decided to take some photos of the whole family. Give him something to look forward to.

We drove to the top of Mount Sexton for FHE and stood at the top of the lookout over the entire Grants Pass/Merlin valley. It was absolutely beautiful! You can see the long straight line of I-5 just to the left of Phil's elbow. Impressive sight!

Kodi became Phil's new play-buddy and after snapping this candid shot of the two of them, this photo became Grandma's new favorite!

A little of Kodi in action... he looks like the angelic child with the sun setting behind his head. Wave "bye-bye"!